This policy has been configured in strict compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, that is, among others, Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de Diciembre, de Protección de Datos de carácter personal (la “LOPD”) and the Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre, que aprueba el Reglamento de desarrollo de la LOPD.

This privacy policy only applies to the website, and does not guarantee access that takes place through links to this site, nor to links from this site to other websites.

In accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and its implementing regulations, and by accepting this Privacy Policy, DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. informs the users and they give their informed, express, free and unequivocal consent that the data they provide through the website will be incorporated into an automated data file duly registered to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos for which DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. is responsible.

Unless otherwise indicated, the data requested in the corresponding forms is mandatory, so if they are not provided, the provision of services cannot be guaranteed.

The data provided will be processed for the purpose of managing relationships with the users of the website as well as those related to the services offered by DISSSSENYAMOO S.L., to allow the contracting and provision of services. These personal data may also be processed for the purpose of generating user profiles and sending them, by electronic, postal and telephone means (including SMS alerts, or other similar means of messaging) personalized commercial information about the products or services offered by DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. as long as users have previously given their consent, as well as participated in satisfaction surveys.

The personal data collected through the website will not be transferred to any third party, except in specific cases in which said transfer is covered by the LOPD and may only be accessed by DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. staff, as well as by third parties that provide services to DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. related to the aforementioned purposes.

Users must notify DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. of any modification that occurs in the data provided, being responsible in any case for the veracity and accuracy of the data provided at all times. DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. will endeavor to diligently verify the veracity of said data, reserving, where appropriate and without prejudice to other actions that may correspond to it, the right not to register or to unregister those users who provide false or incomplete data. Said prior verification does not imply in any case the assumption of any responsibility for damages or losses that may arise from the falsity or inaccuracy of the data provided, for which only the user will be responsible.

In any case, the User will have the right to request and obtain information about their personal data included in their automated files under the responsibility of DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. and, where appropriate, to exercise the rights of rectification, cancellation or opposition of their personal data in the manner provided for in the LOPD. Such rights may be exercised by the user by contacting un through our e-mail SHOP@DISSSSENY.CAT.
To exercise these rights, it will be necessary for the user to prove their identification by sending a photocopy of their national identity document.

DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. guarantees that they have adopted the legally required security levels of data protection, personal, in accordance with the type of data collected and have installed all the means and measures of a technical, personal and organizational nature to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information, as well as to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided.

Likewise, DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. informs you that all the data you enter on the website will be treated in compliance with the applicable regulations and security protocols.

DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. reserves the right to update its Privacy Policy at any time it deems appropriate, in which case it will be communicated to users. For this reason, we ask you to regularly check this Privacy Policy to read the most recent version of the DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. Privacy Policy.